Gardens in Canterbury
The flowers in Dane John Gardens in Canterbury were beautiful again this spring.

Hythe at the beach
Seagulls and windsurfers at the beach in Hythe on an early Sunday evening.

Flowers in my garden
Up early on a Sunday morning, I was able to take photographs of my spring flowers before the sun got too high in the sky.

Scotney Castle
Last time I went to Scotney Castle, it was a dull day. This time it couldn't have been more different. I enjoy taking photographs in the...

The Lower Gardens, Bournemouth
The Lower Gardens in Bournemouth always have a nice selection of flowers as can be seen below.

Brooklands Lake, Snodland
A lunchtime walk by the lake near my office.

Spring in my garden
Tulips and bluebells in my garden this week

Beautiful horse at Charing
A beautiful horse in a colourful coat outside the Kent village of Charing

Mermaid Street, Rye
The very photogenic Mermaid Street in Rye, East Sussex